Thursday, February 05, 2004

Lost In Translation
Dir. Sofia Coppola

Well, I’m loath to say that this is a perfect film, but THIS IS A PERFECT FILM!!

OK, McBain, DO NOT RENT OR BUY THIS FLICK. YOU WILL HATE IT. I only say this because over the last couple of years you seem to have lost your good taste in film, you know, the taste you USED to have. . . but enough about this, on to this fantastic flick.
Bill Murray (Bob Harris) and Scarlett Johansson (Charlotte) play two American Ex-Pats in Tokyo. Bob is a movie star filming a booze commercial and Charlotte is a hootchie hanging out in Japan because her husband is working his ass off as a photographer. Eventually they meet each other in their hotel bar and become friends. This study into the unfathomable depths of human relationships has more honesty than any movies I have ever seen. Beautifully filmed (Kudos to the DP!) this flick has some of the most fab-o shots of Tokyo that anyone has ever seen. Even if you can somehow discount the BRILLIANT performances of the two leads, you would have to be a retard with absolutely no idea of what film is to Poo Poo this movie. Lost in Translation is brilliant in it’s perception about how people interact on a personal level. It portrays the disorientation of the two main characters flawlessly. They are two normal individuals who might not offer each other more than a smile under ordinary circumstances, but, put together in a place where they don't understand the language or customs and have no one else to turn to, their attachment is potent. The screenplay cleverly leaves the character’s conclusion up in the air, leaving intelligent viewers to reach their own conclusion to the story. The rich dialogue sparkles, and spans a variety of topics. The characters discuss issues both deep and shallow - from the search for the soul and the meaning of life to how couples communicate after long years of sameness. I must say that if this flick avoids OSCAR nomination this year, than the whole system is a fucking LIE!!!


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