Thursday, June 05, 2003

Rant for an Otherwise Fine Day
By Jaeger

So, what the hell is the deal with the constant spitting and horking in the streets anyway? Now, I don’t want to go off on a rant here but, fuck! The sun is out, the grass is green, there is a slight breeze blowing, and then from out of seemingly nowhere: hworrk – sput! Every moronic ass-clown with his ball cap on backwards is hocking up great loogies, or just spitting for the sake of spitting! What the hell is the deal? Have all these twits suddenly lost all control of their salivary glands or something? What gives? I can’t walk three freaking blocks in this town without some yahoo with less than one brain cell to his credit, spitting in my path, or behind me, or beside me! Jeezus, didn’t your parents teach you any fucking MANNERS?! Would you spit on the floor in your HOME? I have no choice but to think you all probably would!
And another thing is it just me or have all the looney bins suddenly unlocked their doors and let all the nut-bars out to roam the streets? Man, not a day goes by, NOT A DAY when I don’t get some fruit-cake screeching, or mumbling some crazy-assed shit at me as I’m walking to school, or out trying to enjoy a pleasant evening stroll. The other day, for example, some nut-job fuck-o (who is leaned up against building, cunningly hiding beneath a second floor balcony) just starts shouting at me. Really! He’s all, “youfuckencocksuckermotherfuckenfuck…” “Fuck you dipshit!” I growl back at him. This sends him into frenzy, and he tries to jump to his feet the whole time screeching “FUCKENFUCKERMOTHERCOCKSUCKERFAGGOTFUCK!!!!!!!!” He flops back down, unable to stand for more than a few seconds in his dementia, and I keep walking and shaking my head. Time to up the medication jack!


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