Friday, September 12, 2003

Once Upon A Time In Mexico
A Flick By Robert Rodriguez

Went to the Wednesday Premier of this, the latest in Robert Rodriguez's "El Mariachi" series and have to say wow. Just wow. This flick blew me away. In this chapter, Antonio Banderas' character (known as "El") goes after the drug lord, played with a quietly intense Willem Defoe, who is responsible for the death of his wife and daughter. "El" really has no luck with women does he? Anyways, Johnny Depp puts forth nothing short of a brilliant performance as a crooked C.I.A agent. I really loved "El Mariachi," but felt "Desperado," the second flick in the series fell a little short, but "Once Upon A Time In Mexico" certainly makes up for any shotcomings of the middle chapter. Anything else I could say would be giving too much away, so I shall say nothing more other that GO SEE THIS FLICK!


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