Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Lond Ho Adventures

Lond Ho Adventures Part Ten

(a bit of a rehash, but what the hell, tis the season!)


It’s always at this time of year, when the BVS Towers foyer is decorated with gigantic X-mas trees, tremendous silver balls, pink bows, and golden garland, X-mas muzak piping through the PA system, that one hears a barrage of ads on the radio and TV about those ‘less fortunate.’ Apparently these are the people who aren’t as fortunate as those who own radio’s and TV’s.

Granted, these are people without food for the holidays, but are they not hungry all year around, and not just the third week of December? Whatever. Not everyone considered ‘less fortunate’ is going hungry however, some of them just don’t have enough cash for expensive prezzies for their six kids they made the choice to squeeze out, and even for these kids there are a myriad of ‘toys for kids’ programs; just visit any mall in town if you have a doubt about this. I cannot help to reflect also that if X-mas wasn’t hyped so, if it wasn’t built up by our ultra consumerist society, that those who have a little less than others when the holiday season rolls around would not be so sad, so distressed that their kids don’t have all the latest toys, video game consoles, and two-hundred-dollar-a-pair trainers, which are by the way manufactured by dirt poor children in fascist countries that the Federal Liberals support with heaps of taxpayer money.

People in this country don’t know what ‘less fortunate’ means!


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